Which business to do while staying at home? – 10+ Low Cost High Profitable Business Ideas

Which business to do while staying at home: Hello friends, which business should you do while staying at home? If you also have the same question then you have come to the right place. Because today in this post we are going to tell you some such business ideas which you can start at home and earn good income.

Whatever business ideas we are going to tell you today in this post, you can start them at a very low cost. Along with this, we are also going to tell you some such business ideas which you can start at your home and earn good income without any investment.

So if you want to know which business to do while staying at home, then definitely read this post completely. I am sure that after reading this post you will not need to read any other post.

Let us know about all the business ideas without any delay.

Which business can be started at home with 0 investment?

Let us first know which business you can start at home without investing any money.

#1. Youtube channel business

Friends, if you want to start a business without investment sitting at home, then YouTube channel can prove to be a very beneficial option for you. In today’s time, there are many people who are earning lakhs of rupees per month by creating their own channel on YouTube and uploading videos on it.

Similarly, you can also create your own YouTube channel and you can create and upload videos on it as per your interest and knowledge. As the views on your video increase, your chances of earning will also increase.

All you have to do is that whatever subject you have good knowledge about and you can help others with your knowledge, then you can make a video on that subject and upload it on YouTube channel. For example, let us assume that you have good knowledge of cooking, then you can create a YouTube channel where you can share recipes of different foods.

Friends, this work is very easy which you can do while staying at your home. And the special thing is that you do not need any kind of investment to start this business. You can do YouTube channel business very easily through your mobile phone and internet connection.

# 2. Blogging business

Friends, the second business that I am going to tell you about starting with zero investment is blogging. Like YouTube, blogging is also a very good business idea which you can do while staying at your home.

If you like writing then you can start blogging business. What you have to do in this is that you have to create a website or blog where you write and publish content on any topic. Like on YouTube we help people through videos. In this way we can help people by writing content in our blog.

You have to choose a topic according to your interest and knowledge and then create a blog on the free blogger platform. Now you have to write and publish different posts related to that topic. The more people read your post, the more you will earn.

Friends, you can also start blogging business while staying at your home. I would like to tell you that the business of blogging is so good that people are earning from Rs 50,000 to lakhs per month sitting at their homes.

#3. Affiliate marketing business

Friends, this is the third way to start a business sitting at home with zero investment. Its name is Affiliate Marketing. If you do not know what Affiliate Marketing is then I would like to tell you that it is a kind of business in which you have to sell the products or services of other companies and in return you are given commission.

In today’s time, the business of affiliate marketing is growing very fast. You do not need to go anywhere to start this business, you can do this business by staying in your home.

You will find many such companies online whose products or services you can earn by selling them. You can start with Amazon. You have to join Amazon’s affiliate program and sell the products there to other people, whenever you sell that product, you will be given commission.

You can sell Amazon products by promoting them to your friends, relatives or on social media platforms.

Other home based businesses started with zero investment

  • Freelancing business
  • Dropshipping business
  • Website designing business
  • Yoga Classes Business
  • Dance classes business
  • Tuition business
  • Cooking Classes Business
  • Low cost home based businesses

If you are wondering which business to do at home in which very little investment is required. So below I have given you a list of some such business ideas which you can easily start in your home at very low cost.

# 1. Cake making business

Friends, if you are thinking of starting a low cost business at home, then cake making business can be very profitable for you. If you are a woman who is interested in baking then this is a great business idea for you.

You can start cake making business at a cost of only ₹ 5000. This is a business in which you have to be successful. Because people like to cut cakes on occasions like birthday, wedding, party etc. So in such a situation, if you start this business then you can earn huge profits from it.

You do not need much material to make the cake, you just need an oven. Apart from this, ingredients for making cake will have to be collected. This will cost you only Rs 4000 to 5000. Then as your orders start increasing, you can do this business on a bigger level.

Nowadays there is a huge demand for customized cakes. People like to make cakes as per their interest and requirement, so if you do the business of making customized cakes, then you can easily earn 2 times or 3 times the profit in comparison to ordinary cakes.

# 2. Tiffin Service Business

Friends, tiffin service business is also a very good business. This business is also a 12 month long business.

If you are fond of cooking then you can convert this hobby into a business opportunity. You can do this business from your home kitchen itself. The demand for tiffin service is increasing day by day. The main reason for this is that nowadays people leave their homes and go to other cities either to study or to work, in such a situation they are not able to get food at home.

In such a situation, those people are looking for home-made food, so if you deliver home-made food to such people, then you will be able to earn a good amount from it. Let us tell you that in the beginning itself you can easily earn Rs 20000 to Rs 30000. You just have to choose such an area where the number of students studying and working employees is high. In such a situation, the number of your tiffin orders will also increase, which will increase your earnings.

Apart from this, a very special thing about tiffin service business is that you can also take this business online through which you can earn huge income. You can get more and more orders through online food delivery apps like Zomato and Swiggy. And the good thing is that in this you do not even have to worry about delivery. Your food will be delivered to the customers by these companies only. Friends, if you do this business with full dedication and hard work, then you can convert this business into a big business.

# 3. Paper bag making business

Friends, if you have budget to invest then you can start the business of making paper bags from your home. This business is very profitable because after the single use plastic ban, the demand for paper bags is increasing day by day in the market. Considering this demand, if you start this business then you can earn good profits from it.

To start this business, you do not need many things, you will just need paper roll, flexo color, polymer stereo and a machine to make paper bags. You can buy all these materials from the market at wholesale price.

If you want, you can make paper bags even without a machine, which will cost you less. But it will take more effort on your part and the production will also be less. The starting price of paper bag making machine is around ₹300000.

Other low cost home based businesses

  • Candle making business
  • Agarbatti making business
  • Spice making business
  • Pickle making business
  • Homemade soap making business
  • Disposable cup and plate making business

Conclusion – Which business to do while staying at home?

Friends, in today’s post we have told you some very wonderful business ideas which you can start while staying at your home. We have also made some such business ideas for you which you can start from your home with zero investment.

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